Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to Repair and Restore Corrupt DBF File of Visual FoxPro?

Visual FoxPro is a procedural and data-centric object oriented database programing language, developed and marketed by Microsoft Corporation. Visual FoxPro is closely integrated with the relational database engine that extends xBase capabilities of FoxPro to support Structured Query Language (SQL) data manipulation and query. It is a dynamic programing language, which doesn't need any additional programing environment. The FoxPro stores your data in the form of tables, which are stored in DBF file format. In some cases, the DBF file may get damaged and become inaccessible. This behavior leads to severe data loss and requires DBF Recovery solutions to be fixed.

The table file of Visual FoxPro (DBF file) contains two records- the header record and the data record. Header record of DBF file defines complete structure of FoxPro table and stores additional information about the table. Header record begins from the file position zero. The data record follows the table header, in successive bytes, and stores actual data of table's fields.

  • Data in FoxPro data file begins from the position pointed in the bytes 8 to 9 of header record. The data record start with one delete flag byte. In case the delete flag byte is 0x20 (ASCII space), record is not removed. If bye it 0x2A (ASCII asterisk), record is removed.

Length of the data record is considered by adding all the defined lengths of table fields. Integers in FoxPro table are stored with least important byte first mechanism.

Under some situations, the DBF file or Visual FoxPro table gets damaged and puts you in need of DBF Database Repair solutions. The most common causes of DBF file corruption are as given below:

  • File header or header record corruption.

  • Application malfunction of Visual FoxPro.

  • Virus infection.

  • Improper system shutdown due to power outage or system crash.

If you come across any of the above situations, you need to recover DBF file by restoring it from the most recent and valid backup. To ensure highest data safety, you must regularly update your backup.

However, in case you do not have a valid backup, you need to repair DBF file using advanced and powerful commercial applications. The software are particularly designed to methodically scan whole DBF file and extract all inaccessible data from it. They have highly-interactive user interface to offer easy recovery.

DBF Recovery is the most excellent solutions to successfully tackle all DBF file corruption scenarios. The software works well with Visual FoxPro 6.0 to 9.0, dBase III, dBase IV, and dBase V. It retrieves all DBF file objects, such as indexes, table name, column data type, primary keys, and column name.

1 comment:

  1. For working out given trouble you may use dbf repair. It owns all necessary facilities allowing solve out almost every trouble associated with corrupted or lost dbf files.
